
Key Dates:

  • Poster Submission Deadline: 10/11/2024
  • Poster Acceptance Announcement Date: 25/11/2024


  • Scientific Topics are open to all Family Medicine related topics, done in primary health care setting.
  • Presenters are allowed to apply of no more than two valid papers.
  • The already published abstract in our previous conference will not be accepted again.


  • Research Paper: Summarize the results of a well-defined research project. Include hypotheses, methods, results, and discussion/conclusion.
  • Quality improvement projects: Summarize the project including, evidence-based medicine, problem identification, QI tools, test the changes with PDSA cycle, results, and conclusion.
  • Clinical Audit Project: summarize the clinical audit project. Include evidence-based medicine, methods (setting standard, criteria, data collection), results and conclusion

Abstract Submission Guidelines:

  • All abstracts and posters are to be written in English.
  • Trials in progress are welcomed in the form of abstracts describing the protocol of ongoing research and in the form of completed trials ready for publication. However, abstracts describing a trial which has not progressed to completion are likely to be rejected by the review committee.
  • Abstract must be valid of no more than three years.
  • All abstracts must be uploaded via the Online Abstract Submission portal in high resolution JPG or PNG or PDF or Word format. This should be limited to a maximum of 360 words and should include the following:
    • Title of Abstract
    • Names and contact details of author(s) {organization, country, email, phone numbers, and mailing address}. Please underline the name of the presenter/s clearly and provide a 3-line biography of the author/s with your abstract (not included in the word limit)
    • The abstract must include the following headings clearly: Background, Methods, Results and Discussion
    • (Please provide evidence of ethical approval and funding acknowledgements, if any)
    • A clear Passport size picture should be sent separately.
  • Once the abstract is accepted by the committee, posters must be submitted within five days’ time.

Poster Presentation Specifications:

  • Poster orientation must be in vertical/portrait format
  • The poster size should be (2500 x 3500).
  • Text should be of sufficient size for easy reading (between 16-20 font size), using Arial font.
  • Title must be displayed clearly at the top of the poster and should include the names of the author(s) and the institution(s) of origin and country.
  • Poster Format: should include Introduction, Objectives, Materials and Methods, Results and Conclusions.
  • Poster Images: (clips arts, graphs, diagrams and drawings) must be in high resolution EPS format (300 dpi).
  • Clear labels must be used for each section of the poster.
  • Free of charge to display your poster.
  • Oral presentation could be in-person or virtual based on the presenter preference. Notice should be given in advance.
  • Only the submitting author will be presenting.
  • Time Slots will be sent to individuals once the abstract is accepted.
  • Oral presentations are strictly limited to 15 minutes (10 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion).
  • Each poster will be undergoing a double-blind reviewer.

Terms and Conditions

  • The scientific committee reserves the right to make the final decision about the abstract acceptance and its scheduling into the program, based on topics and time constraints.
  • Each abstract submission must indicate if the material was published or presented in any other conference/course or if it received any awards
  • All presenters must register to attend the course and be present at the time of the course.
  • Presenters must not use the course for marketing purposes for products/equipment
  • Course registration charges will be waived off for accepted poster presenters only (Main Author only).
  • Payment for travel /accommodation/visa charges are not provided.


Personal information:


Abstract Information:

Drag and drop a file or select file

your image
Note: Accept only Text, Word, Pdf, Powerpoint (Maximum upto 15MB)